Findependence Canada

Finding financial independence from scratch

Passive Income Report – September 2019

Throughout these updates we will go over the previous month’s dividend income, as well as our rolling 12 month projected dividend income and our progress towards our goal of having $50,000 in annual passive income. (More on our goals and the tax advantages of Canadian dividends in future posts). For reference, I received my first ever dividend payment in December 2017, and I immediately realized that they needed to be a prominent part of our any investment strategy.

September has been yet another great month for us. After 2 weeks abroad travelling over in Portugal this is our first time really checking back in on our finances and seeing what’s been going on while we’ve been gone. (hint: not much has changed).

On the bright side we had our second best month of the year for dividends received and it also appears that we’ve received a couple of dividend increases from our holdings as our outlook over the next 12 months is now at an all time high. We fully anticipate this number will continue to climb nearly every single month.

In September we received $576.13. This is an increase of $250 over our last months income you can find here.

That $576.13 is an increase of 146% over our September number from 2018, we’re starting to see these YoY numbers growth slow now that the numbers are getting larger as its obviously getting more and more difficult to add % gains the larger the numbers get – reflecting the more and more capital required to be added to see these gains.

Take a look at this table and you’ll see what we’re talking about:

Probably won’t ever see a spike like that 1282% YoY growth we had in July again but I think if we could even maintain 100% growth that would be amazing.

With 3 months to go in 2019 we’ve already accumulated well over 2x our total for all of 2018 and as we move forward, the next rolling 12 month expected income is up to a whopping $6745.61! which means we should be on pace to double 2019’s totals in 2020 as well.

This is a huge deal to us, that’s over $550 per month in purely passive income just trickling into our account throughout the year. When we couple that with the $1600 we receive in rental income plus any additional side hustle and blogging income we are able to produce, FIRE just keeps on looking more and more realistic to us.

That wraps up the September passive income report, if you’re interested in all things passive income and financial independence then stay tuned as we have more content coming out shortly including our recap of our stay in Portugal and how moving abroad can impact your FIRE journey.

As always, thanks for stopping by.