Findependence Canada

Finding financial independence from scratch

Our new (almost) fully automated dividend tracker!

A little while ago we had made a post using Excel Sheets online that tracks our dividend portfolio and includes our gains, yield, overall dividend income etc. for all of our holdings.

At that point we had to use our Scotia iTrade account to get the projected 12 month income we would receive from each of our holdings to plug into that sheet and the rest would then update based on the formulas we had in each cell.

Well… today we’re going to look at our newest method of tracking our dividends, and the main highlight of this method is that we are now able to auto update our projected income as the companies in our accounts announce their dividend changes – in this case hopefully increases.

First off let’s have a look at this new table here:

Pretty nifty right? Let’s have a look at the formulas in these columns. For the purpose of keeping this brief, we’ll only look at the top row for the company “TD Bank”.



DIVIDEND: This is the key one right here, this is the amount of dividends per year that the particular company will receive. You simply multiply the annual dividend by the number of shares that you own in that company and presto, you’ve got yourself the yearly income from that company.

=STOCK(“TD.TO”, “annual dividend”)

YIELD: The last one is simply the yield of the particular shares.

=STOCK(“TD.TO”, “yield”)

That’s all there is to the updates, the only manual entries we’ve placed into this table are the # of shares you hold, so when DRIP’s occur or new purchases occur you simply update the number of shares you hold.

We also put in our book value to see our overall gains and losses in our portfolio which is a manual entry but isn’t necessary towards the actual function of tracking the overall portfolio income, which is our main use for this table.

So there you have it, always keep up to date with your portfolio’s performance and your dividend income with a matter of minutes per month spent to update the # of shares held at the given time.

This is our ticking clock on our countdown to early retirement as that green column is what’s going to tell us when it’s time to pull the plug on our full time jobs while knowing that we will have enough passive income to sustain our preferred lifestyle.

Thanks for stopping by, we hope that this helps our fellow investors and FIRE enthusiasts.

If you have any questions or feedback feel free to drop a comment below.
