Findependence Canada

Finding financial independence from scratch

Passive Income Report – September 2020

Throughout these updates we will go over the previous month’s dividend income, as well as our rolling 12 month projected dividend income and our progress towards our goal of having $50,000 in annual passive income. For reference, I received my first ever dividend payment in December 2017, and I immediately realized that they needed to be a prominent part of our any investment strategy.

If you’re interested in seeing August’s post click here.

So we’re three quarters of the way through the complete train wreck that has been 2020.

While for us personally, aside from not being able to travel to see family this year hasn’t been too too bad as we’ve welcomed our son into the world which has been amazing and we’ve also crushed a lot of personal goals particularly in our finance/household department.

It will be very interesting to see what happens globally over the next couple months as our neighbours to the south settle their political landscape, I’m hoping that the uncertainty isn’t reflected too strongly in the markets over this time.

The month of September ended up being fairly flat for us again, the market was doing alright for a good chunk of the month and then had a bit of a sell off on us but as we always do we just expand the view a few months on our charts and see that even after sell offs we’re typically only giving back a couple of weeks of growth and this time is not much different.

Here’s a look at the month:

$841.78 would have been amazing a year ago… and almost our entire year for 2018 but yet it’s only a “meh” kind of month for us now. We’re still very happy to receive these sorts of months but it is just the 4th best month of our year so far.

Speaking of our year so far, let’s take a look at our month by month breakdown:

While the 32% gain doesn’t sound that impressive it’s still $270 growth over September of last year and if you look down to the bottom of the table it actually shows that our 2020 has now surpassed our 2018 and 2019 years COMBINED!

This has all been accomplished without chasing yield and I’m proud to say that we’ve been able to stick to our plan and execute it – that is to keep loading up on our favourite quality dividend payers.

Now on to how these accounts project to pay us over the next 12 months:

$8,880.28 is another $360 tacked on from last month. We’re moving back into “load up on dry powder” mode for most likely the remainder of this year as we’ve just blown some money on stocks as well as a vacation so this projection is not likely to see $10k this year but that’s okay, it’s the long game that we’re playing.

And lastly, here are the payouts received for September:

That is a lot of payments to receive in 1 month, and honestly when I started tracking this way I never thought I’d see the day when I was having to tally up 32 different dividend payments in a single month.

Seeing a constant stream of payouts like this really helps with to visualize that saying you sometimes hear about your money being an army of dollar bill being sent out to work for you. This month demonstrates exactly how powerful that “army” is and the best part is we’re able to reinvest all of these payouts and turn them into even larger payments in the future thus further compounding the snowball effect.

That’s all we have for this month.

Remember that we are just documenting our investing journey and sharing our triumphs and mistakes along the way, this isn’t any form of advice or recommendations so please consult a professional before investing your money!

If you’ve got any questions or comments for us leave them below or over on our 
Instagram @FindependenceCanada

Thanks for stopping by,