Findependence Canada

Finding financial independence from scratch

Passive Income Report – August 2020

Throughout these updates we will go over the previous month’s dividend income, as well as our rolling 12 month projected dividend income and our progress towards our goal of having $50,000 in annual passive income. For reference, I received my first ever dividend payment in December 2017, and I immediately realized that they needed to be a prominent part of our any investment strategy.

If you’re interested in seeing July’s post click here.

August is winding down on us and things are going about as smoothly as can be expected given the circumstances.

The stock market seems to be on auto pilot, reaching slow and steady high’s almost daily and when the tiny pullbacks do come they seem to be erased within a couple of days.

Big tech stocks have led this run up with Apple, Microsoft, Tesla etc. leading the way on ridiculous run ups, we’d like to think they’re do for at least a minor pullback but honestly who’s to say when that will come?

Aside from our portfolio sizes increasing the actual passive income received for the month of August was fairly disappointing.

At this point I’ve become so disappointed in our “high interest” savings accounts that I don’t even bother tallying up the interest payments anymore so I’ll continue using these numbers until something changes.

Ah, right.. and the $272 received this month is also the lowest of the year for 2020.

August is a slow month in general but it took an even further step back with the cut in Laurentian Banks dividend which in the past had been our main bright spot for the month.

Now let’s have a look at our year to date earnings:

This August marks the first time we’ve had a decrease year over year but that’s alright since we’re a lot happier with where our portfolio sits now as opposed to this time last year, we’re starting to focus more and more on our favourite holdings and building those positions up.

The 2020 year end total is still looking like it will be at least 50% higher than the 2019 total.

We’ll need to see that rate of growth continue into future years if we hope to reach our FIRE goals on time.

Now let’s look at our 12 month projections:

This 12 month projection is up $160 from last months check in, this is due to new purchases made in our accounts. We’ll be giving a portfolio update as soon as baby FIC decides to chill out and give us a little more downtime… so maybe check back in 18 years?

(side note: these babies really are a full time job)

Here are the payouts we received for the month of August:

Of that list Abbvie, Air Products & Chemicals, Apple, Caterpillar and Starbucks are all going to be positions we look to increase our holdings in and as such, expect our dividend receivables to go up dramatically from – hopefully this will balance out our monthly payouts a little more than where they’re currently at but note that’s not the reason for these purchases. Our first priority is to increase our favourite holdings and a happy coincidence from that is that there are quite a few that payout in our weakest earning months.

Remember that we are just documenting our investing journey and sharing our triumphs and mistakes along the way, this isn’t any form of advice or recommendations so please consult a professional before investing your money!

If you’ve got any questions or comments for us leave them below or over on our 
Instagram @FindependenceCanada

Thanks for stopping by,