Findependence Canada

Finding financial independence from scratch

Passive Income Report – May 2019

Throughout these updates we will go over the previous month’s dividend income, as well as our rolling 12 month projected dividend income and our progress towards our goal of having $50,000 in annual passive income. (More on our goals and the tax advantages of Canadian dividends in future posts). For reference, I received my first ever dividend payment in December 2017, and I immediately realized that they needed to be a prominent part of my any investment strategy.

May ended up being a challenging month for most investors. The threat of a real trade war kicking off and tariffs on everyone including the family dog has seemingly thrown the market into a little bit of a panic or at the very least uncertainty. What will the market do moving forward? That’s anyones guess, but at the time of writing this post I’m beginning to think we’re in for a slow couple of months. That being said all it would take is a nice tweet or two, or maybe a promise of some compromise between China and the United States and we would very likely see the market soar to new all time highs. Ahhhh the stock market.

During times like this it really validates my investing strategy in my own mind. As I see stocks moving several % in a single day all I have to do is log in and see my projected dividends received moving forward and I forget about the volatility and am able to re focus and remind myself that these types of things are just opportunities to buy more shares and build my/our portfolios for the long run.

This month wasn’t our best month ever, but the growth between last years May total and this years is still a great sign of things to come. Who would complain if they saw 3x the dividends from year to year? Not me!

Without further delay, here are the numbers you’ve come to see:

How’s that for progress?! The largest gain has come from recent purchases into the US market, namely AT&T, Apple and 3M. These purchases added well over $300 to the forward projected dividend income from the “RRSP (His)” account. It should also be noted that our forward 12 month yield is now a cool $1,025 higher than it was projected to be in our April update and we could not be happier about this as it’s really becoming a reality in our minds that we will in fact be paying bills with these dividends and will be able to happily retire at an earlier age that we would have guessed say 5 years ago.

Thanks for the read, hope you found this post helpful and as always if you have any questions or comments please feel free to drop them below and we’ll be sure to get back to you. We’re always looking to interact with fellow investors or those looking to begin investing!