Findependence Canada

Finding financial independence from scratch

Passive Income Report – January 2021 ($748.57)

Throughout these updates we will go over the previous month’s dividend income, as well as our rolling 12 month projected dividend income and our progress towards our goal of having $50,000 in annual passive income. For reference, I received my first ever dividend payment in December 2017, and I immediately realized that they needed to be a prominent part of our any investment strategy.

If you’re interested in seeing December’s post click here.

You may notice a little change in format for this months update if you’re a returning reader and that’s mainly because we’re still working on ways to streamline our information so it’s easier to present and easier for us to keep record of.

For the month of January we received a very solid 27 payouts from our dividend paying stocks!

Now what really matters to us even more so than the number of payouts are just how much we received from those payments:

$748 is actually a 25% step back from last years total for January, however, last years featured a large amount of ETF payouts that all lump in at years end so this was always going to be hard pressed to keep up.

What we DO like from this is that January is no longer one of our stronger months due to our rebalance so if it’s reaching these levels our higher months (especially Mar-Jun-Sep-Dec) should be really close to pushing $1,000 a piece.

Now let’s have a look at the year-over-year:

Again, we’re off to slower start than last year but we also know that this will pick up and we should meet and surpass our pace of last year.

The expectation is that we’ll easily meet $10,000 of dividend income for 2021 and falling short would be a huge disappointment.

Now let’s move on to our projected dividend income as of today:

This one right here, this is why we chose to be predominantly dividend growth investors.

When you invest for not only dividend income but also dividend growth these are the kind of results you can achieve an by the looks of things 2021 has so far been the return of the dividend increase.

We’ve now gone from making our first dividend in the beginning of 2018 to expecting 5-figures in 2021. What’s more is that we are also attempting to add $2,000 to both my dividend accounts as well as Mrs. FIC’s accounts for all of 2021 so that by years end we can hopefully have upwards of $12,000 but that remains to be seen.

Remember that we are just documenting our investing journey and sharing our triumphs and mistakes along the way, this isn’t any form of advice or recommendations so please consult a professional before investing your money!

If you’ve got any questions or comments for us leave them below or over on our social media pages:

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Twitter @findependencec1

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