Findependence Canada

Finding financial independence from scratch

Passive Income Report – August 2021

Throughout these updates we will go over the previous month’s dividend income, as well as our rolling 12 month projected dividend income and our progress towards our goal of having $50,000 in annual passive income. For reference, I received my first ever dividend payment in December 2017, and I immediately realized that they needed to be a prominent part of our any investment strategy.

If you’re interested in seeing July’s post click here.

And we’re back! Sorry about the delayed post but things have been hectic around here (in a good way).

We’ve both been working a lot, and also got to escape town for a little while and take our son on his first real vacation which ended up being worth the wait.

Back on topic though, the divided income… August was a slower month than we were getting acclimated to as you’ll see in the numbers below, basically it’s just one of those months where we only have a few good payers on top of our steady monthly payers and that’s reflected in the totals.

Dividends Received: $671.02

$671.02 sounds like a troubling number after rattling off quite a few 4-figure months this year but that is very misleading. We prefer to focus on our year-over-year progress to really highlight the dividend snowball we have growing.

You’ll see the serious YoY growth below:

Dividends Received YoY: $6,811.43

As I mentioned earlier, the $671 total is only a letdown until you look at the growth numbers, a 146% increase from last year has been the biggest growth rate of the year and it’s not even close. There’s always a sunny side if you look close enough haha.

Now let’s have a quick look at how our next 12 months are expected to pay out as well as some stats for our portfolio:

Dividend Projections: $12,581.55

The current stats on our dividend portfolio are:

Portfolio Value: $ 305,565.49 (+$11k)
Dividend Value: $ 12,581.55 (+$400)
Portfolio Yield: 4.12 %

That’s all we’ve got for this month’s recap, if you’ve got questions or comments leave them below or on our social media pages:

TWITTER: @FindependenceC1
INSTAGRAM: @FindependenceCanada

Thanks for stopping by,


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