Findependence Canada

Finding financial independence from scratch

Passive Income Report – April 2020

Throughout these updates we will go over the previous month’s dividend income, as well as our rolling 12 month projected dividend income and our progress towards our goal of having $50,000 in annual passive income. (More on our goals and the tax advantages of Canadian dividends in future posts). For reference, I received my first ever dividend payment in December 2017, and I immediately realized that they needed to be a prominent part of our any investment strategy.

If you’re interested in seeing March’s post click here.

Welcome everyone, to the April update of our passive income received through dividend investing.

April was a great month for us when it came to our passive income, we are now well on our way to smashing last years total and that’s despite a few notable dividend cuts we’ve had to endure during this tough patch in the market and global issues.

April has turned out to be our second best month all time!

Let’s have a look:

As we mentioned above $844.75 is our second best ever monthly total received coming behind only January of 2020 when we came in at $997.

This has been an interesting development because in previous years it has always been our March-June-September-December payers that have been the breadwinners of our portfolio but this marks two straight quarters where January-April-July-October has taken the cake.

Here’s what the trend is looking like:

Another month, another rather large increase in YoY production out of our portfolio. We may have lost significant overall dollar value in the past two months but the dividend income has remained strong and we received a 353% growth over April of last year!

Now what does our 12 month rolling projection look like?

Glad you asked. We have that information right here:

While this number is still exciting to us, it is a bit of a hit to the morale when we see that our 12 month projection actually decreased slightly from last month. There is a reasonable chance that this same scenario plays out in next months update as well just due to the risk of more dividend cuts on the way.

Losing that $9,000.00 milestone hurts, but we’ll be back over the hump soon enough.

Now I’ve decided to whip up a new table to insert into these updates, I won’t do much diving into this one as its straight forward, I just thought that the readers may like to see a break down of exactly where these payouts are coming from – so we decided to provide you that information:

That’s really all we have for this month’s update. Remember that we are just documenting our investing journey and sharing our triumphs and mistakes along the way, this isn’t any form of advice or recommendations so please consult a professional before investing your money!

If you’ve got any questions or comments for us leave them below or over on our
Instagram @FindependenceCanada

Thanks for stopping by,