Findependence Canada

Finding financial independence from scratch

Why I want F.I.R.E. – Some thoughts I hadn’t acknowledged

So, this post is going to be a little bit different than usual. Today’s post was sparked by thoughts while I was sitting on the couch listening to some early retirement, investing and nomadic living videos on YouTube.

I got to thinking… why am I listening to these videos? What is it about this “movement” or idea that has me so hooked?

Sure, the idea of not having to go to work every day sounds good to most people so that appeal is easy to see but I do in fact enjoy my job and I don’t have much issue showing up for the work, at least not for now. So why would I be in a hurry to leave?

The following thoughts crept in and I think I do in fact know exactly why I want to F.I.R.E. – the simple answer? Life’s too short to be commuting an hour each way every day to an oil plant in the middle of nowhere Northern Alberta.

The job I have is great, we are paid for our time beyond what I ever thought I would earn in this life but at what cost? Those of my friends, family and outsiders who claim we get paid too much and that we’re “lucky” to be living this life probably don’t think about the fact that the night shifts we work have been shown in studies to take years away from your life, or that the chemicals, benzene and whatever else might be in the air is likely not going to be good for us long term. Let’s not even start with the fact that most of the things around us “could” explode/rupture and end your life without you knowing what happened, mind you it’s not that likely but all it would take is once.

Once I got to thinking about all of these things, the risks, the missed Christmases and birthdays with family and friends (oil plants are a 24/7 operation, there’s no such thing as holidays off) and the time missed around home suddenly I didn’t feel so spoiled by the pay check that I’ve been earning and instead realized the true weight of the sacrifices that I’ve been making.

Another factor is one that rings true for everyone. We do not know how long we’re going to live. This one is applicable across the board – time is undefeated and at some point you won’t be around anymore and the world moves on without you. I know for my father who is now in his mid- 60’s travelling is getting harder to get up for and there are only so many more years to get out and do the things he’s always wanted to. Not to mention he’s already had to watch more old co-workers and friends than I can count pass away at roughly his same age.

So the question becomes what have you done with the time you were given? If money was no object what would you like to do with every day of your life? If you’re someone who genuinely loves to lay on the couch and watch movies or play video games and that’s all you ever want to do I’m certainly not going to judge you, but for myself I have always enjoyed getting out there and seeing new things and putting miles on my shoes – seeing the world.

I’ve been to a handful of countries, seen a lot of cool stuff and probably done more “out there” than most Canadians do in a lifetime, but still I want more. I’d love to spend a year or more touring Europe, Asia and wherever else we desired in the moment but obviously this all takes money and even more importantly, these things take TIME.

I think that my closing statement ties back to an old thought about how once you have your “why?” the “how?” becomes achievable. For any of our readers out there who are having trouble with sticking to their budgets, investing schedules or even if you’re not maybe try an exercise today where you really sit down and think about what your why is and what it is that’s motivating you to save, invest and plan a future on your own terms.

Thanks for stopping by, if you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them below or on Instagram @FindependenceCanada